This week saw the launch of an eco-tourism project in Ndubusat.
A team of volunteers from Australia, New Zealand and Ireland traveled to Kenya to work with local communities on looking at ways to build sustainable tourism in the area.
The week started with a community meeting where representatives from all villages on the proposed route attended.
Teams visited 12 villages during the week to meet communities, survey facilities, areas of interest etc. The surveys from these visits will feed into the 3 day eco-tourism business training starting tomorrow.
The feedback to date has been hugely positive and we look forward to the journey ahead.
The team has worked with the Healthy Schools Programme in 6 schools – working with the HECA Committee in the schools to do an environmental review and develop an action plan to enable the school to become a Healthy School.
The Girls for Girls pilot continues in Ndubusat, and 45 girls in the secondary school were given sanitary pad kits as part of the pilot programme. These will be evaluated over a 3 month period, and all feedback will be included in the full rollout of this programme.