Our New Strategic Plan – focusing on reaching those furthest behind

We are locally led with people and communities at our core.  We listen and respond to needs in a holistic and practical way. Over two decades we have built relationships and trust, standing with communities through difficult times and times of celebration. Our new strategic plan sets out how we will continue to tackle inequality, build resilience and reach the most vulnerable through the next 5 years.

The timeframe for the Strategic Plan (2025-2030) aligns with the final five-year lead-up to 2030. This was the target set for reaching the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) that almost every country in the world signed up to in 2015.

In Kenya, the SDG targets are a long way from being reached. But Brighter Communities Worldwide is committed to doing all that we can to ‘leave no one behind’ in the communities that we work with in Kericho County – focusing on those furthest behind; particularly women, children and youth.

Brighter Communities Worldwide has worked with communities in Kericho for over 20 years, directly benefiting almost two million people with our health, education and economic empowerment programmes. We have helped communities to access better health services, improve hygiene practices, respond to crises and address the root causes of gender inequality.

We are trusted by the communities, government partners and local stakeholders who we work with and believe should be the drivers of their own development. Our model is distinctly locally led and globally informed.

You can read the Strategic Plan here  to learn more about how we will implement community-based programmes to protect and empower the most marginalised by actively addressing inequality and discrimination. We will focus specifically on women and girls who are most vulnerable to harmful practices such as Female Genital Cutting and gender-based violence.

We will work with communities to equip them with the skills they need to respond and adapt to external shocks, including climate change, which is already having severe effects in Kenya.

If you would like to help us achieve this vision, you can donate here , join us as a volunteer by clicking here , or help us to raise vital funds in different ways outlined by clicking here. 

Asante Sana.

Lisa Doherty

Board Member of Brighter Communities Worldwide and member of Strategic Planning working group.