
Millions of women and girls around the world are prevented from reaching their full potential just because they menstruate. May 28th is Menstrual Hygiene Day – a day that brings together non-profits, governments, the private sector and millions of individuals.

Brighter Communities Worldwide are one of the founding partners of MH Day which started in 2014 and over the past ten years the number of partners has grown from 155 to 1,003 – the number of social media contributions on the day have increased from 8,000 to 222,000 – the number of media coverage pieces tracked increased from 89 to 1,828 and the number of people reached increased from 22 million to 705 million!

MH Day has grown to become a movement to increase awareness and take action towards a common goal – a #PeriodFriendlyWorld. A world where taboos and stigma surrounding menstrual are history.  Where everyone has access to quality menstrual products, period education and period-friendly toilets.

Plans are underway in Kenya to hold an event for 500 students who will attend workshops, sports, programme exhibition and share entertainment during the day. The workshops will look at Sexual Reproductive Health and Rights (SRHR) topics, talk about challenges and myths and demonstrate how to make reusable pads.

This event will involve volunteers from the community who have trained as ambassadors to deliver workshops that share information and get people talking about SRHR.   This programme aims to create awareness of SRHR among all community members, develop an environment where the SRHR of young people, women and marginalised people are recognised and met leading to more open and equitable communities.  It was born out of our menstrual health programme and expanded to include all aspect of SRHR in response to the needs of the community.

We are excited to celebrate this year’s MH Day and invite you to join in from wherever you are in the world.  Every one of us can push back the stigma around menstruation. Whether it’s a casual chat or a formal conversation, you have the power to break the taboo. And together, we can change how society views menstruation. Because each conversation can change how people think.

Join us and share the digital menstrual bracelet on your social media – tag Brighter Communities and 3 friends and ask them to do the same.  Let’s make some noise and speak up for a #PeriodFriendlyWorld!

We want this to go as viral as possible and it’s easy to do –

  1. Head to your Facebook or Instagram stories
  2. Click the sticker icon and searh ‘mhday2024’.  Here you can find different versions of the bracelet to suit you!
  3. Tagging Brighter Communities and 3 friends is the most important part so don’t forget to do that please.

The Menstruation Bracelet

A global symbol for menstruation

28 elements, 5 of which are red. The Menstruation Bracelet is a global symbol for menstruation. Those who wear the digital or a physical Menstruation Bracelet show that periods are nothing to hide. They stand up for a period friendly world, start conversations and push back period stigma.

Let’s end period stigma and make this a #PeriodFriendyWorld, one Bracelet at a time.